PO Box 339

St Michael, MN



Crashes Aren’t Accidents!

They are Predictable & Preventable.

The mission of Safe Communities of Wright County is to reduce injuries and fatalities associated with traffic crashes in Wright County through safety education and prevention.

Promotional Video and Traffic Safety PSAs

Unboxed Productions did a great job interviewing some of our past & present board members for the Promotional Video and the Public Service Announcements. Feel free to share them!

Promotional Video

Impaired Driving PSA

Keep WC Roadways Safe

Distracted Driving PSA

Help Reduce Crashes

Crashes aren’t Accidents

WrightROAD and WrightROAD 4 Teens

For low-level traffic citations in Wright County, we offer classes that go over current traffic laws, statistics and personal stories that help make it clear that we are all in this together and each and every person can make a difference!

  • Monthly WrightROAD adult classes
  • Bi-Monthly WrightROAD 4 Teens classes
  • Taught by traffic safety professionals

We’d prefer to prevent citations…but if you do receive one:

We partner with the Wright County Sheriff’s Office and Court Services for the WrightROAD and WrightROAD 4 Teens Classes. The feedback is extremely positive!

These classes provide an opportunity to learn from a mistake before it becomes a habit.

Traffic Fatalities in Wright County

Although Wright County, which is the fastest growing county in Minnesota, has grown exponentially over the years, our traffic fatalities and serious injuries have DECREASED considerably. We moved the dial because everyone came together for a common purpose- Law Enforcement, Engineering, Court Services, Public Health, Community Partners, Alcohol Distributors, Healthcare, Emergency Medical Services, and School Districts – we can do great things together!




Everyone wins!

Serving Wright County since 1997

Safe Communities of Wright County has brought innovative projects and solutions to life through various traffic safety initiatives. If you have an idea you think could help keep our roads safer, contact us!

WrightROAD Program

We provide educational classes for people who are cited with low-level traffic violations. Adult classes are held monthly and teen classes at least every other month.

Mock Crashes and Crashed Car

We partner with the community, Emergency Management and area schools to provide powerful experiences.

Parent-Teen Program

We organize Parent-Teen Presentations for Driver’s Education students who are ready to get their permit.

We partner with Christie Cab and area establishments who serve alcohol to get people home safe!